Jon Soske and Steve Gumbley, March 23, 2021 This is the eighth installment of the RI PREVCON Virtual Series. In the first half of this webinar, Jon Soske explores some of the ways that psychologists, sociologists, and advocates have defined stigma, focusing...
Caregivers & Community Members
Queer Inclusive Programming: An Ally’s Guide to Prevention
Dan Fitzgerald and Cyndi Rego, March 2021 In this 2021 CADCA webinar, prevention specialists Dan Fitzgerald and Cyndi Rego guide you through the ins-and-outs of community prevention programming with and for the LGBTQ+ community. From an overview of inclusive surveying...
Alcohol License Guide: An Overview of Underage Drinking, RI Laws, and Responsible Alcohol Sales
Blackstone Valley Prevention Coalition, updated March 2021 This guide was developed to help you to: Understand the damaging physical and mental health elects of underage drinking Educate yourself and your employees about RI laws related to selling and/or serving...
Recorded Webinar: Racial Equity in the Context of Prevention
Don Mays, February 25, 2021 This is the seventh installment of the RI PREVCON Virtual Series. During this webinar, Don Mays—artist, educator, and activist/advocate—focuses on racial equity within the context of prevention, addressing the intersection between racism...
BHDDH Treatment Locator
Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Health, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals Use these links to connect to treatment resources in RI. Mental Health Treatment Locator Substance Use Treatment Locator
Quit Resources in Rhode Island
Tobacco Free Rhode Island, October 2022 This resource outlines the current tobacco cessation resources in RI.
Hidden in Plain Sight: Southern Providence County
Southern Providence County Regional Prevention Coalition, 2020 An interactive display providing parents with signs of risky behavior and possible drug use and the tools needed to have constructive conversations. View the resource here.
The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Study: Implications for Youth
Rhode Island Student Assistance Services and the Rhode Island Department of Health, January 2021 Rhode Island Student Assistance Services and the Rhode Island Department of Health have recently released a new video on their YouTube channel, The Rhode Island Youth...
Preventing Underage Drinking in Rhode Island, Why It Matters
Rhode Island Prevention Resource Center, 2021 The purpose of this eLearning course is to educate behavioral healthcare providers, educators, law enforcement officials, parents, and concerned citizens about the state of underage drinking in Rhode Island, prevention...
RIDE Distance Learning Series Resource Guide for Educators
JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., in collaboration with the Rhode Island Department of Education and the RIPRC, December, 2020 This resource guide was created to provide Rhode Island educators and counselors with behavioral health focused educational resources...