Trust for America’s Health, 2013 This brief reviews a range of national recommendations and examines a set of 10 indicators of strategies being used in states to help curb the prescription drug abuse epidemic. The brief also reviews state rates and trends related to...
Rhode Island Tobacco-Free Schools Policy Language
Rhode Island School Tobacco Prevention Coalition, 2007 This document enumerates details of a comprehensive tobacco prevention plan for schools.
Rhode Island Department of Education Comprehensive Health Instructional Outcomes
Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 2003, 2012 This document complements the Rhode Island Health Education Framework. It is intended for use by those involved in K-12 comprehensive health education curriculum development at the district and...
Rhode Island Child Death Review Team: Youth Suicide Issue Brief
Rhode Island Department of Health, 2011 This document presents findings regarding youth suicide in Rhode Island in order to inform statewide prevention efforts.
Moving the Needle: Using Epidemiologic Methods, Technical Assistance, and Locally-Tailored Prevention Strategies to Achieve Sustainable State-Wide Reductions in Substance Use and Adverse Consequences
Rhode Island State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) This presentation outlines the Rhode Island experience with the SAMSHA Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant Program, including discussions on how epidemiological evidence, local technical...
A Report on the State of Youth Violence in Rhode Island: Enhancing State Capacity to Address Child and Adolescent Health through Violence Prevention and the Child and Adolescent Violence Prevention Advisory Committee
Rhode Island Department of Health This paper takes a public health approach to youth violence prevention, identifying 7 prevention priority areas, which include homicide, suicide, self-inflicted injury/ suicide attempt, sexual assault, teen dating violence, physical...
2013 RI Middle School Health-Risks Summary Report
Rhode Island Department of Health, 2013 This report examines 16 health-risk indicators for RI public middle school (MS) students as collected through the CDC sponsored Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). The findings from the YRBS are used to inform policy and programs...
2013 RI High School Health-Risks Summary Report
Rhode Island Department of Health, 2013 This report examines 21 health-risk indicators for RI public high school students (grades 9-12) as collected through the CDC sponsored Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). The findings from the YRBS are used to inform policy and...
World Drug Report 2013
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2013 This report presents a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in drug markets. It covers production, trafficking, consumption and the related health consequences.
Vital Signs: Binge Drinking Among Women and High School Girls — United States, 2011
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013 This paper explores the prevalence and public health implications of binge drinking among young women in the United States.