The Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH) is committed to assuring access to quality services and supports for Rhode Islanders with developmental disabilities, mental health and substance abuse issues, and chronic long term medical and psychiatric conditions. BHDDH’s mission includes addressing the stigma attached to these disabilities as well as planning for the development of new services and prevention activities.

Meet the Partnership for Success Staff
Meet the 2015-2017 CSAP Prevention Fellow: Dan Fitzgerald
Meet Susan StAmand, Assistant Administrative Office, Prevention Unit of Behavioral Healthcare, BHDDH
Learn about the BHDDH Prevention Team in our Provider Profile

State of Rhode Island Strategic Plan for Substance Abuse Prevention: 2016-2019

Substance Use and Mental Health in Rhode Island (2015): A State Epidemiological Profile


News: The Rhode Island Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success (SPF-PFS) BHDDH RFA for twelve (12) Rhode Island communities of high need will soon be issued.

Access SAMHSA’s RFA and the State’s application below:

Request for Applicants (RFA)
State’s Application