
Youth Speaker for Prevention

The Herren Project Chris Herren spoke with over 500,000 youth in the last 12 months and partners with governmental agencies. The Impact Speaker Series is designed to educate youth and at-risk populations on the importance of a healthy lifestyle,  good decision making...

Prescription Drug Abuse and Misuse

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMSHA) Prescription drug misuse and abuse is a complex problem, affecting individuals of all ages and in all communities across the country and its territories. Prescription drugs include pain relievers, tranquilizers,...

Prescription Drug Overdose

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, April 3rd 2015 Sometimes, the prescription becomes the problem. Each day, 44 people die from prescription opioid overdose. It’s time we all get involved. Challenge assumptions about prescription opioids, and patient...

Roundtable on Obesity Solutions

The Institute of Medicine The Roundtable on Obesity Solutions presents a perspective series about disparities and inequities in physical activity. Within in the larger dialog about the role that physical activity has in the prevention and treatment of overweight and...