
SAMHSA – Grantee Stories, Tools, and Resources

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2018 Find grantee stories, tools, videos, and other resources to support your prevention efforts. Click this link to visit this SAMHSA resource.

Preventing Youth Marijuana Use: Data Resources

Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT), October 2017 This CAPT decision-support tool offers a comprehensive listing of available data resources and surveys developed by and for a range of federal agencies and that collect data on marijuana use...

Telling Your Data Story: Infographic Design Training

John Snow, Inc., July 21, 2017 Infographics are popular visualization formats for sharing either small ‘data soundbites’ on social media or longer form stories from a data set. Great infographics leverage the power of storytelling and visual design to engage audiences...

Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth & Young Adults

U.S. Department of Justice-Drug Enforcement Administration, 2017 This publication gives you everything you need to know about marijuana,  from the long term effects on your brain, to whether or not it's still considered a "gateway drug."

2017 National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 2017 Each year in April, we acknowledge the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect and promote the social and emotional well-being of children and families. This year, National Child Abuse...

Facing Addiction in America

The Surgeon Generals Report, 2016 The United States has a serious substance misuse problem. Substance misuse is the use of alcohol or drugs in a manner, situation, amount, or frequency that could cause harm to the user or to those around them. Alcohol and drug misuse...

Addiction Guide

Addiction Guide Addiction Guide is your reliable source on addiction and the dangers of illicit substances. They cover how drugs and alcohol affect the body, how to identify the signs and symptoms of abuse, and where to seek effective treatment. Their mission is to...