
The Rhode Island Foundation

The Rhode Island Foundation works with philanthropic individuals and families who share goals for a stronger Rhode Island. The grants awarded to nonprofit organizations advance the Rhode Island Foundation’s mission in the state.

Department of Health

The Rhode Island Department of Health aims to prevent disease and to protect and promote the health and safety of the people of Rhode Island.

This website is the source to find and apply for federal grants. does not provide personal financial assistance.

Federal Money

Barbara Floersh, 2013 This article in The Nonprofit Times discusses strategy and resources for competitive federal grant proposals. The author discusses the importance of research and planning while providing steps to start each of these processes.

Drug Free Communities Support Program

Office of National Drug Control Policy This federal grant program provides funding to community-based coalitions that organize to prevent youth substance use.

Public Health Toolkits

Health Resources in Action These toolkits aim to aid community health assessment, community health improvement planning, and health impact assessments.

Dying to Try It & Don’t Have Time for Pain

Rhode Island Student Assistance Services 2013 Conference Dr. John Femino's presentation slides: the prevalence of chronic pain in adolescents and adults; the genetic vulnerability and risk for addiction; and public health strategies for prevention, identification and...

Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for High School Students

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration This publication assists high schools and school districts in designing and implementing strategies to prevent suicide and promote behavioral health. It includes tools to implement a multi-faceted suicide...