Rhode Island Department of Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals, April, 2019
This Guidebook provides a roadmap to help 14 – 25 year old’s in navigating the sometimes complex system of behavioral healthcare services. There are many resources listed to guide you, should you need them. “Take Charge of Your Behavioral Health: A Guide for Transition Aged Youth (TAY) in Rhode Island”, recently revised May 2019, was created for youth and young adults with a great deal of community input. Each page was designed to stand alone so, for example, if you need information on Substance Use Disorders, you would simply print out page 15 and 16. The 24-page combined English/Spanish Guidebook are available in hard copy free of charge. For more information, contact Denise Achin at 401-462-0421 denise.achin@bhddh.ri.gov