RIPRC E-Learnings

Trauma-Sensitive Schools E-Learning Module

“Trauma” has become a buzzword that’s frequently used in casual conversation. We think we know what “trauma” means, but do we? And what about trauma in our schools? Or students

Fostering Students’ Social-emotional Well-being E-Learning Module

The purpose of this module is to outline the importance and basic concepts of social-emotional well-being for students and how educators, behavioral health professionals, and concerned adults can foster this

Preventing Underage Drinking in Rhode Island, Why It Matters

Rhode Island Prevention Resource Center, 2021 The purpose of this eLearning course is to educate behavioral healthcare providers, educators, law enforcement officials, parents, and concerned citizens about the state of

Marijuana and the Adolescent Brain

Rhode Island Prevention Resource Center, 2018 This e-training was developed for behavioral health, prevention, and treatment providers in Rhode Island. Please note that we can only provide certificates of course

What’s Up with E-Cigarettes?

Rhode Island Prevention Resource Center, 2018 This e-training was developed for behavioral health, prevention, and treatment providers in Rhode Island. Please note that we can only provide certificates of course

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In the event of a mental health or substance use crisis, call to connect with a licensed counselor, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Bilingual support and medications to assist with recovery are available.

Call, chat, or text 988