State Legislation/Laws

GMS E-Civis User Support

User Support Use the form below if you are experiencing technical difficulties, or have questions related to the eCivis Portal and Grants Management System. Do not use this form for questions about individual funding opportunities. Instead, refer to the information in...

RPTF Accomplishments and Barriers Form Template

This reporting format is intended to capture any accomplishments or barriers experienced by the Regional Prevention Task Force (RPTF) in implementing activities funded under the Substance Use Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Block Grant (SUBG) during the prior...

RPFT Annual Workplan Template

BHDDH will use the Regional Work Plan for programmatic and contract monitoring.  It allows BHDDH to better align goals, objectives, activities/programs from your multi-year prevention strategic plan with your annual approved budget and the actual expenditures reported...

Tobacco Training Modules

Rhode Island has mandatory training for tobacco sales. In order to stay in compliance, the training modules are listed below and must be completed by those who hold the license to sell tobacco, and the employees of the establishments. There are two modules- license...

Background Checks and Working with Youth Resources

BHDDH and RIPRC, December 2022 This document outlines best practices and resources for working with youth, as well as guidance around obtaining and reviewing background checks from the RI Attorney's Office, Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCI). To...

Rhode Island Local Tobacco Control Ordinances and Policies

Tobacco Free Rhode Island, 2022 This archive contains city and town ordinances from around Rhode Island organized by policy topic and is in chronological order from oldest to newest dates. These are valuable resources for assessing the status of tobacco policies in...

Rhode Island Tobacco 21 Public Awareness Campaign

Tobacco Free Rhode Island, 2022 This Campaign was designed by Tobacco Free Rhode Island. It includes free resources for community partners to educate retailers about the tobacco sales age increase and resources for retailers to educate consumers. To access this...