RIDOH Cannabis Resource Webpage
Prevention Websites
Grants Management System (GMS) User Manuals
Link to the Rhode Island Accounts and Control website to access Grants Management (GMS): - User Guides - Forms - Training information Access the resource here.
National Institute on Alcohol and Alcoholism College Resources
Research-based materials on college drinking from NIAAA. Access the resource here.
October is Substance Use Prevention Month
SAMHSA has released a new toolkit for Substance Use Prevention Month. The toolkit includes information on social media resources, ways to get involved in your community, prevention planning, training opportunities, and technical assistance. Access the resource here.
“A Parent’s Guide to Opioid Use Prevention” E-book
The Prevention Training & Technical Assistance Service Center has created a complete parent eBook providing information on opioids, data and statistics of use and also how to have conversations with your child at different life stages. Access this resource here.
Facts About Teen Drinking
Facts About Teen Drinking from NIAAA Facts About Teen Drinking is a resource for teens, created by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, with research-based information on underage drinking. Research shows that underage drinking rates are declining....
NIAAA For Middle School
NIAAA For Middle School: Underage drinking curriculum This webpage contains interactive activities to help parents, caregivers, and teachers introduce and reinforce key messages about peer pressure, resistance skills, and other important topics related to underage...
Getting the Facts About Underage Drinking
Getting the Facts About Underage Drinking: Underage drinking statistics Underage drinking is a serious public health problem in the United States. Alcohol is the most widely used substance among America’s youth and can cause them enormous health and safety risks. The...
Parenting to Prevent Childhood Alcohol Use
Alcohol affects people differently at different stages of life—for children and adolescents, alcohol can interfere with normal brain development. Understanding parental influence on children through conscious and unconscious efforts, as well as when and how to talk...
Make a Difference: Talk to Your Child About Alcohol – Parents
Make a Difference Booklet: Talk to your child about alcohol Kids who drink are more likely to be victims of violent crime, to be involved in alcohol-related traffic crashes, and to have serious school-related problems. You have more influence on your child’s values...