Alcohol Interventions for Young Adults: Individual and environmental-level strategies The period after high school is a transitional time. Many young adults have greater freedom and independence, and they take on more responsibility as they enter the next chapter of...
Prevention Websites
Alcohol and the Adolescent Brain
Alcohol and the Adolescent Brain: Research-based information on drinking and its impact As adolescents mature, they undergo complex developmental changes, especially in their brains. The widespread changes in the organization and functioning of the brain bring about...
CollegeAIM Booklet for Planning Alcohol Interventions
CollegeAIM—the College Alcohol Intervention Matrix CollegeAIM is an easy-to-use and comprehensive booklet and website to help schools identify effective alcohol interventions. While there are numerous options for addressing alcohol issues, they are not all equally...
College Drinking Prevention
College Drinking: Changing the Culture Comprehensive research-based information on issues related to underage drinking and binge drinking among college students. Educators, administrators, and families can find helpful information to ease first year students through...
College Alcohol Policies
College Alcohol Policies: NIAAA College Alcohol Policies Directory This interactive directory provides links to school alcohol policies from thousands of U.S. colleges. The information is grouped by state and has links to individual institutions. View the resource...
Alcohol and Young Adults Ages 18 to 25
Alcohol and Young Adults Ages 18-25: Prevalence of Alcohol Use Information and data on alcohol use among emerging adults. This resource highlights patterns of drinking and the consequences of alcohol use. View the resource here.
Alcohol’s Effects on the Body
Alcohol's Effects on the Body: Research-based information on drinking and its impact Drinking too much – on a single occasion or over time – can take a serious toll on your health. Alcohol-associated organ damage can impact the body in many ways. This NIH resource is...
Building Health Equity & Inclusion
PTTC Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Practices Work Group, January 2021 This resource list was developed by the PTTC Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Practices Work Group, and represents a compilation of resources produced by the PTTC Network to...
SAMHSA Prevention Month Toolkit
SAMHSA, September 2023 October is Youth Substance Use Prevention Month and Substance Misuse Prevention Month. Prevention science, and decades of community-based experience and scientific research, shows that prevention works. Check out SAMHSA's 2023 Prevention Month...
SMI Advisor: A Clinical Support System for Serious Mental Illness
SAMHSA, 2023 SMI Adviser is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and administered by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The APA works closely on this project with a team of experts from 30 other mental health...