
October is Substance Use Prevention Month

SAMHSA has released a new toolkit for Substance Use Prevention Month. The toolkit includes information on social media resources, ways to get involved in your community, prevention planning, training opportunities, and technical assistance. Access the resource here.

Internet Safety and Social Media Guide

Navigating Safe Social Media and Internet Use - A Guide for Parents This guide was developed by the Rhode Island Regional Coalitions. This is a self Guided tool for parents and caregivers to learn about Internet Safety tools and latest information on social media...

Tobacco Training Modules

Rhode Island has mandatory training for tobacco sales. In order to stay in compliance, the training modules are listed below and must be completed by those who hold the license to sell tobacco, and the employees of the establishments. There are two modules- license...

URI Offers FREE Narcan training and Narcan

Learn how to reverse an overdose. Become a Community First Responder with our ten-minute certification module and receive free Narcan. We offer two ways to become certified as a Community First Responder and receive free naloxone (Narcan) by mail for Rhode Island...

BHDDH Contact List

List of contacts for BHDDH by funding source for invoices, budget change requests, media authorization forms, use of RI Student Survey and Young Adult Survey, Mosaix IMPACT technical assistance, and programmatic questions. To access this resource, click here.

Building Health Equity & Inclusion

PTTC Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Practices Work Group, January 2021 This resource list was developed by the PTTC Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Practices Work Group, and represents a compilation of resources produced by the PTTC Network to...