One of the most challenging aspects of implementing an evidence-based program is balancing fidelity and adaptation. In this interview, Rachel Ferrara, MSW and Dr. Allison Minugh discuss overcoming challenges in the implementation of the Family Matters...
Provider Profiles
Mothers Against Drunk Driving in Rhode Island with Wesley Pennington (May, 2024)
In 1980, 13-year-old Cari Lightner was killed by a drunk driver while walking to a church carnival. Cari's mother, Candace Lighter, turned her pain into purpose by working to change drunk driving laws in California, and thus Mothers Against Drunk Driving was formed....
Cannabis Policy & Prevention in Rhode Island with Sarah Hall (February, 2024)
In May of 2022, Rhode Island made the decision to legalize adult cannabis use through the passing of the RI Cannabis Act. In this interview, Sarah Hall—BHDDH’s cannabis subject matter expert—discusses the details of this legislation and the history that led up to this...
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline with Joe Ash (October, 2023)
Thanks to the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act of 2020, 9-8-8 is now the new dialing code for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline in RI, as well as nationwide. In this interview, Joe Ash—Administrative Director of the BH Link and 988 Call Center in RI—discusses...
RI State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) with Samantha Rosenthal and Samantha Borden (February, 2023)
The State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) was established in Rhode Island in 2006, and since then, the SEOW has played an important role in terms of informing behavioral health programming and prevention efforts throughout the state. Through collaborative...
Partnership for Success (PFS) Text-A-Tip Program with Steven Eiland (May, 2023)
The Partnership for Success (PFS) grant aims to reduce rates of underage drinking among individuals ages 12–20 through a variety of evidence-based programs. One such program is the Text-A-Tip initiative, which the East Bay Regional Coalition (Region 5) has implemented...
Discussing the FDA’s Proposed Ban on Menthol Cigarettes with Kirsten Skelly
In April 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed new national program standards that would ban the production and sale of menthol cigarettes. In this interview, Kirsten Skelly, Program Manager for the Rhode Island Department of Health Tobacco...
Richard Charest, Director of BHDDH
After retiring from a long and successful career as a healthcare executive, Richard Charest accepted the position of Director of the RI Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities & Hospitals (BHDDH) in June, 2021. In this interview, BHDDH...
The Imani Recovery Program
In this interview, Linda Mahoney (BHDDH) discusses the Imani Recovery Program in RI—a collaborative, culturally centered, and community-driven faith-based opioid recovery initiative. Could you start by telling us a bit about yourself and your role? My name is Linda...
Nancy Murray and Wendy Looker on Problem Gambling and Gaming Prevention
Too often, people do not recognize that problem gambling and gaming is an addiction disorder that, like other addictions, causes chemical brain changes in those affected. In Rhode Island, the rates of gambling and gaming addiction have increased due to a number of...