FREE TRAINING – 1.5 CEU’s | Financial Counseling in Gambling Disorder Treatment
December 6, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Financial Counseling in Gambling Disorder Treatment
December 6, 2023 12:00-1:30PM EST
FREE TRAINING by Jody Bechtold, LCSW, ICGC-II, BACC, IGDC, CGT, CEO of The Better Institute
Eligible for 1.5 CEU’s | RI Certification Board, NASW-RI, NBCC, IGCCB
This webinar will introduce the importance of discussing finances as part of gambling therapy treatment. Participants will identify ways to incorporate budgets and restitution plans in therapy while managing any countertransference. They will learn key elements of financial protections strategies for individuals and family/loved ones. And they will learn some of the newer ways people get access to money to gamble.
Goals and Objectives:
Participants will learn how to:
1. Integrate client finances into gambling disorder therapy
2. Identify any countertransference and how to manage in session.
3, Develop Financial Protection Strategies for individuals and Family/Loved Ones
4. Develop budgets & restitution plans for gambling recovery
5. Learn about new ways to get money to gamble
FREE TO ALL REGISTRANTS – Limited Availability
Financial Counseling in Gambling Disorder Treatment
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from Zoom containing the invitation link.