
Behavioral Health Fact Sheets

SAMHSA, September 2015 While many of us working in the substance misuse field have long-recognized the value of prevention, placing this work in the context of overall behavior health requires a critical shift in perspective. Applying a behavioral health lens to our...

Back-to-School Survival Guide for Parents  Getting ready for the upcoming school year isn’t all about notebooks, brand new clothes, and lunchboxes. It’s also about preparing your child for a new transition and laying the foundation for good communication. Questions about drugs and alcohol will...

SKPP “We Hear You” PSA

South Kingstown Partnership For Prevention, 2015 Created by teenagers to let parents know they hear them listens to them when talking about drugs and alcohol, and also not to give up. 

17 Things To Do Instead of Drugs

Mt. Hope High School Kids A group of kids from Mt. Hope High School did a video to promote awareness on life choices for young people on what they can do instead of using drugs.

Anchor Learning Academy

Anchor Learning Academy Recovery high schools provide students in recovery from substance use issues with a supportive environment where they can achieve success in academics and focus on their recovery journeys. The curriculum combines educational and clinical...

It Matters

The It Matters website and related educational campaigns are sponsored by Kansas Behavioral Health Services, which helps communities understand the extent and cause of substance abuse problems and take action to reduce and prevent them. Site offers customizable ads...