Overdose Prevention Creatives from HEZ

Pawtucket Central Falls Health Equity Zone, 2019

The Pawtucket and Central Falls HEZ recently had some overdose prevention creatives designed, and we thought it might be helpful to share them with other HEZs doing opioid-related work in their communities.  These creatives are available for your use if you have funding available or if this aligns with your community priorities!

These bus shelters were created to build upon some of RIDOH’s overdose prevention messaging, targeting at-risk areas within the PCF HEZ by using municipal overdose data to identify community hot spots as locations for messaging dissemination.

Thanks to the PCF HEZ for sharing these!  I’ve included images of the creatives below for folks who can’t open Illustrator files.  Feel free to reach out if this sounds like something your HEZ would be interested in and you could use some RIDOH support!

BH Link

In the event of a mental health or substance use crisis, call to connect with a licensed counselor, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Bilingual support and medications to assist with recovery are available.

Call, chat, or text 988