Private Resources

FEND: Rhode Island Pilot Report

This report provides an in-depth look at the results of the FEND Rhode Island campaign. The results and insights from this campaign will be used as a foundation to establish a sustainable FEND campaign in Rhode Island in the coming months.

Cannabis Glossary – Terms by Topic

There are many terms, slang words, and other nomenclatures related to marijuana. This glossary will help prevention professionals be more familiar with these terms, to aid in competency when discussing these topics. Categories include plant anatomy, slang terms, terms...

Facts Vs Myths Information Sheet

This information sheet covers 7 common myths or misunderstandings as related to marijuana. These include myths on addiction, impairment, and other health effects. Each of the 7 myths is countered with the current evidence, including citations. The goal is to provide a...

Evidence Based Practices Application

An evidence-based practice (EBP) is one that is based in research and shows evidence of effectiveness under a particular set of circumstances. The term “practice” is synonymous with “program, intervention or strategy” in this context. The goal of seeking recognition...

Evidence Based Practices Application Definitions

The Evidence-based Practices Workgroup of the Governor’s Council on Behavioral Health’s Prevention Advisory Committee has identified three levels of evidence-based practices, policies or programs (EBPs) available for use by behavioral health care providers....