Child and Family RI in collaboration with The Newport County Prevention Coalition, 2021 Child and Family RI in collaboration with The Newport County Prevention Coalition offers a support group for grandparents who are the primary caregivers to their grandchildren....
Older Adults Resources
Bradley Online Learning
Lifespan, 2020 Bradley Online Learning offers computer-based continuing education for professionals in a variety of disciplines, including psychologists, social workers, certified counselors, physicians, nurses, speech/language and occupational therapists, and...
Mental Illness Among Older Adults
National Council for Behavioral Health, 2020 Alongside our Board of Directors, National Council for Behavioral Health launched an Interest Group Initiative to give its members the tools, knowledge and networks they need to accelerate the learning of - and the impact...
SAMHSA, 2015 This toolkit is a resource for senior center staff and volunteers. As a focus point for the community, senior centers connect older adults with a range of critical services and programs, including meals and nutrition programs, transportation services,...
Roundtable on Obesity Solutions
The Institute of Medicine The Roundtable on Obesity Solutions presents a perspective series about disparities and inequities in physical activity. Within in the larger dialog about the role that physical activity has in the prevention and treatment of overweight and...
Rhode Island Prevention Resource Center (RSS)
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Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (RSS)
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities.
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (RSS)
The Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) has been training local grassroots groups, known as community anti-drug coalitions, in effective community problem-solving strategies, teaching them how to assess their local substance abuse-related problems and...
Prescription Drug Misuse Among Older Adults Fact Sheet
Rhode Island Prevention Resource Center (RIPRC) This factsheet outlines the details surrounding prescription drug misuse in older adults--from specific medications, tendencies, health risks, and prevention.
Rhode Island Health Care Matters
The Rhode Island Health Care Matters website helps community members and policy makers learn about the health of the community. It provides local health data, resources, best practices, news articles and information about community events. This site specifically aims...