SAMHSA-CAPT, June 3, 2016 This decision support tool summarizes information from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies on factors that have been shown to either increase risk of or protect against the non-medical use of prescription drugs, based on articles...
Substance Use Prevention/Mental Health Promotion
Preventing Prescription Drug Misuse: Overview of Factors and Strategies
SAMHSA-CAPT, June 3, 2016 This decision-support tool presents key findings from a review of current research on the non-medical use of prescription drugs, including a summary of risk and protective factors associated with prescription drug misuse, as well as programs...
Drug Rehab
Drug Rehab Information and answers for people fighting addiction. Their mission is to equip patients and families with the best information, resources and tools to overcome addiction and lead a lifelong recovery.
Addiction Guide
Addiction Guide Addiction Guide is your reliable source on addiction and the dangers of illicit substances. They cover how drugs and alcohol affect the body, how to identify the signs and symptoms of abuse, and where to seek effective treatment. Their mission is to...
SAMHSA's CBHSQ, 5/26/16 The most recent CBHSQ report from SAMHSA describes the substance use behaviors of full- and part-time college students, drawing on combined 2011 to 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) data.
Addressing the Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs: Unique SPF Challenges (Steps 1-3)
SAMHSA CAPT, 4/28/16 Originally delivered to Partnerships for Success 2015 grantees, this webinar explored common challenges to implementing SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework to prevent prescription drug use and misuse, such as difficulty accessing data, the...
Tools to Assess Community Readiness to Prevent Substance Misuse
SAMHSA's Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies, 5/13/16 "Readiness” describes the degree to which a community is willing and prepared to address prevention needs. This resource provides a list of tools that practitioners working to prevent substance...
Prom PSA
SK Partnership for Prevention, May 19, 2016 Prom PSA video clip
Dangers of teen vaping topic of Portsmouth forum
East Bay RI, April 15, 2016 In this article, Portsmouth, RI educates the community about the risks of e-cigs and vaping. Youngster who vape have no shortage of products to choose from, and they come in three basic categories, according to Heidi Driscoll, coordinator...
Health Effects
Health Effects of marijuana on the body.