Newport County Prevention Coalition, 2021

SAFE HOMES is a networking campaign that can provide support for parents and guardians in their efforts to have safe, healthy, drug-free homes and communities. Starting early is what makes prevention efforts work. The SAFE HOMES network is for all parents and guardians of children who are in pre-kindergarten to twelfth grades. It supports parents and guardians talking to each other and uniting in a clear “No Use” message to children by maintaining that there will be no use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs in their homes or on their property. By working together around this simple principle, parents provide the consistency necessary to reduce the pressures children feel to use alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs to fit in with their peers.

Click here to view a video about the SAFE HOMES RI Pledge.

Click here to learn more about the SAFE HOMES campaign.

BH Link

In the event of a mental health or substance use crisis, call to connect with a licensed counselor, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Bilingual support and medications to assist with recovery are available.

Call, chat, or text 988