Substance Abuse Prevention/Mental Health Promotion

Above the Influence Toolkit

Above the Influence The new Above the Influence (ATI) Toolkit enhances the existing ATI program efforts and furthers its goals with new individual and group activities that can help teens make healthier decisions, with the support of adults who value them. The new...

Theory at a Glance

National Cancer Institute This monograph, Theory at a Glance: Application to Health Promotion and Health Behavior (Second Edition), describes influential theories of health-related behaviors,processes of shaping behavior, and the effects of community and environmental...

Making Health Communication Programs Work

National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health This book is a revision of the original Making Health Communication Programs Work, first printed in 1989, which the Office of Cancer Communications (OCC, now the Office of Communications) of the National...

Parent Power

Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services  As a parent, you have a huge influence on your child’s decisions. It’s a fact—children whose parents talk to them about the risks of alcohol and other drugs are much less likely to use them. Your kids may...

Rhode Island Data Brief

Rhode Island Department of Health, 2011 One in three RI high school students (34%) drinks alcohol. This Brief examines if these students are in greater jeopardy from other health risks than their non-drinking peers and whether those risks have improved or worsened...