Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan, 2012 This survey encompassed about 45,400 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-grade students in 395 secondary schools nationwide. The first published results are presented in this report. Recent trends in the use of licit...
Marijuana Fact Sheet
National Association of State Alcohol/Drug Abuse Directors, 2012 This fact sheet provides basic information about marijuana use including: number of users, addictive properties, health effects, economic effects, and prevention, treatment, and recovery methods.
Marijuana Continues to be the Most Commonly Used Illicit Drug Among U.S. Residents; Non-medical Use of Prescription Drugs Decreases
Center for Substance Abuse Research at the University of Maryland, 2012 This document concludes that Marijuana continues to be the most widely used illicit drug in the U.S. The document includes data about the number of users of Marijuana vs. other drugs from 2002 to...
Literature Review (2006-2013): Strategies and Interventions for Reducing Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs
SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies, 2013 This inventory includes an overview of the relevant literature, descriptions of individual studies, and guidelines for using the document to inform prevention planning.
Literature Review (2006-2012): Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs
SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies, 2012 Using a social-ecological framework, this document identifies risk and protective factors related to the nonmedical use of prescription drugs (NMUPD) based on articles published between 2006 and...
Learn It! Live It! National Substance Abuse Prevention Month 2013 Activity Sheet
Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2013 The Office of National Drug Control Policy recognizes four key areas in its approach to preventing substance abuse targeting: youth, parents, communities, and the workplace. Prevention works and it is necessary to continue...
Improving the Health, Safety, and Well-Being of Young Adults-Workshop Summary
Institute of Medicine, 2013 On May 7-8, 2013, the IOM and National Research Council held a workshop to bring together more than 250 researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and young adults to highlight research on the development, health, safety, and well-being of...
Implementation of the Communities That Care (CTC) Prevention System by Coalitions in the Community Youth Development Study (CYDS)
National Institute of Health, 2010 This paper compares 12 community prevention coalitions implementing the CTC system prevention coalitions located in the 12 control communities. The CYDS coalitions implemented significantly more of the CTC core intervention elements,...
A Day in the Life of American Adolescents: Substance Use Facts Update
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2013 This report presents facts about adolescent substance use, including information on the initiation of substance use, past year substance use, emergency department visits, and receipt of substance use...
Correlations between cannabis use and IQ change in the Dunedin cohort are consistent with confounding from socioeconomic status
Oxford University, 2012 This paper explores the correlation between cannabis use and IQ change. The authors study recent research on the Dunedin cohort with the intent of discerning whether the correlation between cannabis use and IQ change is actually causal.